Friday, December 11, 2009


This is a crazy new fact 1 in 91 kids are diagnosed on the spectrum?
It needs to be understood and parents need to stay strong. You are putting some pretty awesome people in to the world, who will have been taught they count and they ARE the change. Keep listening to your intuition, they can be saved.

I applaud all of you!
Keep your head up

More helpful waffle love


Here is the mix!
this Gluten Free Mix from Traders is pretty good and the boys dig it
For our Dairy Free friends here is the milk substitute
Ok here is where you think I am creepy.
Instead of the egg I use Quail Eggs they have a different protein than the mean bad Chicken egg. You can find these at your local Asian market or my sister found hers at her local Persian market. Lets just say you gotta be resourceful.
Use the whole box. They are small and are usually 3 Quail to 1 Chicken, but I do the last one for good luck. Lets get serious what the heck am I gonna do with one left over Quail egg, that is a really small omlet, right?
The good 'ol Canola
I love this spread!
It is the first I have found to be Dairy free, corn free and soy free
What are waffles without this ... lets get real this is really why we eat waffles.
TA DUH ...
& next day in the lunch bag you have a Almond butter and Honey (or Agave Syrup) Sandwich.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


We are adding
digestive enzymes
Diflucan (anti-fungal for the yeast)
DMG 125 mg
Folitic Acid 800 mg

on top of ...
Multi vitamin
Pro biotic
Cod Liver Oil
and the B-12 Shots

Wish us luck! Parker is like a walking supplement.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

Okay, hmmm ...

So much has happened since my pity party blog.
great strides have taken me back and pushed me forever forward. As you might know by now we have moved and that was a crazy mix up for Parker. I was feverishly working the diet until my recent diet demise about a couple months ago. You can all rest easy I am back on the wagon and going forward faster and harder than before.
I have a phone consult with our DAN doctor tomorrow to map out Parker's process and see where we need to fiddle with things. Basically he will give me another resource that sounds CRAZY and when we try it we will figure out why he is the doctor and why we need to follow him like Gandhi.
I have been doing some spiritual stuff (for those that don't know I am a Christian) and it has made me think a lot harder at the bigger picture God has for me and Parker. In the words of a wonderful man and close family friend Richard Carlson "don't sweat the small stuff". I NO longer allow ADHD or any other label to be the "big" stuff in my life. Parker was meant to be ON this earth, not to be OF this earth. Rather he was sent here with this awesome master plan for all of us. Let go and let you know who and we will be cool. If "this" was meant to be the big stuff then NO WAY! We got bigger and better things to do and we will not let this "small stuff" keep us from it.
Met with Parker's school OT and Psych specialists and he is on the road for a full evaluation. That is awesome news for us because the schools don't really have any $ right now and Parker is still going to get the help he needs.
Pray that all the right people are in the right place when it comes time to map out our plan of attack after all the tests are concluded. I want attainable goals for Parker, so he can continue to grow strong and secure with a kind heart and a confident soul.
Thanks for all of you that have listened to me bitch and allowed Mom tears
I love you all more than you will ever know

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Parker

Parker is 8 and thanks to Cherrybrook Kitchen he can have a GF, CF cake
Happy Birthday to my biggest little guy!

I am still adding as I discover

I am on the constant search to find food for Parker. It is putting us in the poor house, but at least his insides are happy and his outsides show it.
This is VEGAN bouillon. I use the unsalted because I like to control the sodium. This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best things I have found so far. I have a problem with all Parker's food being too bland and bland=boring. I am limited on spices due to allergies and EVER THING seems to have garlic. So I FINALLY found this little gem. I can make broth and even put a cube into his pasta as it cooks and it has great flava.
Mexican food is finally back in the menu. Because we are not only GF but corn free as well this makes for a great replacement for a regular tortilla.
Nice after dinner treat YAY brown rice!!!!
YAY AGAIN brown rice. This pasta is great and you will NEVER know the difference.
We can have Goats Milk, so this yogurt comes in regular, strawberry and blueberry
(P's favorite)
Because we are dairy free butter is off the list ... BUT this Ghee is butter without the CRAP. My Casein Free kid can be rich too my friend.
More to come ...

Friday, October 9, 2009


This is an ode to all things AWESOME

It's the Live euroclean I LOVES IT
randomly bought it at Sears and use it for ever thing.
The sham is awesome because it is good for bathroom mirrors and stainless Steele
oops is Live euroclean paying me?
They better now!

If it was not for this product there would be NO toast for our GF/yeast free dude
(local health food store)

This is my local health food store
2395 Monument Blvd Concord, CA

They are awesome and even offer classes some even FREE

OKAY!!! Aloe water for people with gut issues is awesome. Now, the key is it is a bit expensive, but worth it. You can buy inexpensive junk at Traders, but you get what you pay for. I buy at my local heath food store, below is the brand. Can't taste a thing ... just like water.

For anyone that LOVES to craft or buy hand made goods Etsy is your on line Mecca!!!!
I LOVE this site and have found myself spending WAY to much time and money here.
Sesame Crunch YUM!
Parker is REALLY limited with foods and candy, just sweets in general and he LOVES these. They usually have them in the bins at the local health food store.
for the Gluten free, casein free, soy free anyone these are the BOMB!
This is our local produce store and I love it! I remember coming here with my Mom as a child and getting stoked to have a treat of dried apricots and that is when I thought the vitamin C she was giving us was candy.
Thanks for being so health conscious Mom
Wish we knew there was BHT in the Grape Nuts oops.
More to come!

This is the only PG picture of the rash. It looks rather tame, but imagine it ALL over his body. Especially on the thighs. Poor baby
The doc agrees an auto immune deal with a yeast over growth added to the psoriasis. Diet can help it.
PS I'm so happy to have answers!

WOW, time has taken our family on a long ride up to Northern CA ... FINALLY! We moved here about three months ago for a job promotion and hey not to shabby, due to these times of hardship for so many. Go Daddy!
We are settling in and trying to be as organic and healthy as we can. I love this toxic free, organic awakening. It makes me feel so empowered and that I keep leaning something new each day flips my lid. Some would say it is depressing because I am leaning all about the horrible and growdy junk in our food and our environment, but it makes me feel powerful that I can avoid them and provide a cleaner life for my family.
Here is the news on Parker
We have done some great testing and found he has a S%#& load of allergies and there are great alternatives for helping him focus on the natural tip. Here is his deal

Parker’s ALLERGY and VITAMIN regimen

Please refer to his allergy list if there is any question on ingredients in foods

Parker’s Food Allergies

Additive, preservative and chemically free

Apple (only once a week)


Bay Leaf






Egg Yolk (once a week)








Black Pepper

Sweet Potato (once a week)







Yeast (brewers & bakers)


Parker takes

Cod liver Oil Capsules, Probiotics and Multivitamins everyday in the AM & PM

(the B12 shots and the probiotics need to be refrigerated)


3 Cod Liver Capsules

3 Probiotics

3 Multivitamin


3 Cod Liver

3 Multivitamin

He also takes a vitamin B12 shot in his buttocks every other day alternating sides

(take the B12 out of the refrigerator and let come to room temp, about 15 min)

Make sure that you use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to clean the skin before you give the shot. Gently nip up the skin and put in the needle into the skin at a 45° angle, so as if the B12 it is just under the skin surface almost as if to leave a small bubble. DONE... don’t be alarmed if it left a small red spot it is only the color of the B12 itself.

He has an awesome DAN (doctors against Autism) doctor that we phone consult with, because he is in SO CAL.

We recently went roeg on the diet, which totally jacked Parker up. It was all me, I just went in to melt down BIG TIME. I was so tired of the research and food prep I basically gave up and in to the voice that said it was too much. Not wanting to get out of bed and pretending I/we were the "normal" family. The truth is we all should be making some kind of change. Eating the way we do IS NOT HEALTHY FOR ANYONE!!!!! Not to mention if you can not process toxins and junk.
I feel awful, but I needed a kick in the keester to get fully motivated again and I got that when Parker broke out in a CRAZY rash. Now, just so we are clear, I have seen the rash before and it accompanied swollen joints at age 4 for which they never figured out. They did all kinds of testing and nothing came of it. Well, for all that know me the way you do and are fully aware of my medical degree provided by the school of google, I figured after consulting my nurse (Andy) that Parker does indeed have Psoriasis. AHHHHHHHHH....
Well I am back on the way to crazy town and I am taking my arsenal of all you natural freaks with me for backup.

Watch out crazy town here comes a freaky Mom and an adhd kid with some janky Psoriasis.

Parker told me today that if you kill someone on accident it is not murder, but
Shut the front door HE IS AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear Parents and Friends,

My name is Dana Stockbridge and I am a mother to two boys; Parker age 7 and Cohen age 3. Parker has always struggled with what we call “changing channels”. He was always thought to be just your “average overactive BOY”, as the doctors put it. I noticed at about age 3 he was a bit different than the other children, but only slightly. He has trouble focusing, sitting still and being over stimulated, loud and overly silly. What I guess they now label ADHD. Those letters scared me and secretly still do, but with a change in our lifestyle and diet we have learned to work past his obstacles and treat each issue accordingly. Maybe my story is similar to yours or far different. What I have found is healthy living and in doing that you might feel you sleep, eat, and function better.
In my search as a parent to become more aware of the toxicity level in myself and my children I found some tips helpful and would like to share them with you. First I will start with the places I choose to shop. Many things can now be found in you local grocery store, but Traders is my favorite...

#1 SECRET and this is for parents and children alike
Epsom-salt baths 2 to 3 times weekly
This helps with pulling toxins from your body as well as relaxes your joints and muscles
(can be found at Costco and most drug stores)

Trader Joes has great prices and natural alternatives to feed your family and there are three locations in Long Beach
2222 N Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach - (562) 596-2514
4121 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach - (562) 988-0695
6451 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach - (562) 596-4388

Whole Foods is another option, although it is a bit more expensive, I utilize it for specific food allergies and as more of a vitamin resource.
6550 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach

Vitamin City is my don’t wanna drive all the way to Whole Foods backup
6247 E Spring St Long Beach

The the small bits of research I have done have opened my mind to SO many different ways to lesson the levels of the unnecessary toxins in our environment. Wether it be cleaning products, natural foods, or chemical free plastics. There are so many things legally allowed into our food, water and living agents that ARE harmful to our children and ourselves. Here are some interesting and helpful blogs and also little gems I have found on my toxic free adventure.

This is the diet we used to detox our family and the web site has been a VERY valuable place for gathering information and connecting with other parents.

This is the city of Long Beach Eco Friendly web Page
It gives times and locations for the Farmers Markets and other helpful links (look to the right of the page).

This is a FUN blog. I visit it often for tidbits of information here and there. She has a great reference for BPA free plastic kids cups and the facts about chemical plastics. Fun finds from her just keep clicking.

This web site is a great source for all things recycled. I found things on this web site are a bit on the expensive side, but will LAST. I am purchasing the Laptop Lunch Box System from this site. No more plastic zip-locks and juice boxes.

I am a huge Nana’s Cookies fan. My son is allergic to all things dairy, so it creates a bit of an issue when it comes to baked goods. These cookies are delicious and natural. They can be found at Whole Foods and Vitamin City (check on Mondays for new shipment) if you don’t want to buy on line.

With living additive free, special holidays or even a trip to the move theater cause an issue when it comes to safe candy. In our home it is unrealistic to think we will be sugar free, so I was told about this awesome online candy store and have been shopping there since Halloween. Yes, I had an additive free Halloween and the kids did not care just as long as there was a special treat at the end. Just cause it doesn’t say M&M’s doesn’t mean it don’t taste like M&M’s. Enjoy! Plus Traders sells additive free suckers and gummy bears YAY! or

I use Seventh Generation cleaning products and they can be found at Target. Contrary to popular belief they are pretty close in price to regular chemically based cleaning products. I also find suitable soaps at Traders, Shikai shower gel (found at Traders) has worked for my kids with no reaction.
If you have the money to spend up front you can save money over time with a condensed natural product; there is one called Melaleuca. My sister is a proud user of these products and she is also living chemical free to help her son who has Autism.

Good luck! Have fun and don’t be scared to take the first step in making your home and family as healthy as they can be (baby steps). Please don’t hesitate to use me for support. I don’t know it all, but I am more than happy to help you find the answers.

Peanut Butter Carob Balls
1/2 cup Carob Powder
1/2 cup Honey
1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
1/2 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup Sesame Seeds
1/2 cup Oats
1/2 cup Flax Seed Meal

Mix ingredients by hand. Form them into bite size balls and roll them in shredded coconut.

*Please note that some of the views and statements provided on some of the web sites are not supported by myself. Take what you need and leave the rest.
My pity party is OVER! I am dedicated to researching my options with my amazing son. So today is a new fresh day. I dropped Cohen off at pre school and found a cozy spot at Barnes and Noble with a Latte in hand to begin my torrid love affair with a brilliant man named Mac and his close friend Web. I am finding a support group, looking into vitamin supplements and even contacting my pediatrician to finally have Parker tested. I already know he is adhd the test will only make it real on paper and allow me to utilize funding needed to help him in the school system and so on. When he was five his pediatrician was reluctant to test so early (they usually test at age six) and suggested we see a behavioral therapist, who told us after spending exactly one hour with my son, that he had as-burgers syndrome and needed medication. We also saw a tutor when he was in Pre-K because he had such a hard time retaining information. She also told me he was adhd and needed “relaxation pills” as she put it. Why is that the first reaction? PILLS, I mean, why does no one say “Wow, Mom how are you. How are you holding up? Lets discuss why you think he is behaving this way. How about allergy testing?” Why does NO ONE look at what is already in the child as opposed to adding MORE stimuli? That is when I jumped ship on western medicine. After the research I found I was FREAKED out to hear words like medication or special education. Now like a person coming to terms with a death in the family I am confessing I need help and I trust myself enough to collect all the information needed to make an educated decision when it comes to Parker’s well being. I don’t side with any one way when it comes to Adhd western or eastern medicine I need to find what works for Parker so he can move through the fog.
He was wonderful this morning. It’s like he knew I needed it. He noticed it too, but blames it on the fact that we are dog sitting (it’s leverage for getting a dog of his own). He dressed himself, brushed his teeth, made his bed and even kissed his brother all in a 20 minute span. Guess what I did ... cried and hugged him ... tight. What a GREAT day!

Things I like about today?

Easy Mornings
School drop off with Lunch Bunch (Coco stays till 1:15)
Quiet time to think and write
Crazy LA gangsters with neck and face tattoos at Walmart changing my battery and calling me Mrs. Stockbridge. What great service and I felt so safe!
I guess the most honest way to say it is ... sometimes I dislike being with my child. Is that too honest? He is overly talkative almost to the point of disregarding anyone else might even be in the room with him, he is loud and I mean with noises and speech. Shooting sounds and just strange repetitive noises and when I say repetitive I mean I will say “Parker, that is enough” and it is as if I am whispering. This will happen 3 or 4 times until I am raising my voice “THAT IS ENOUGH!” and only then do I get a, “huh?” It makes me have little to no patience as if I can’t even hear myself think. Parker has a hard time keeping on track. Multiple choices confuse him or consecutive directions are almost to much to handle. I always thought myself to be a rather patient person, with my children that is, but in the last 3 or so years I have turned into the least patient person I know. I feel trapped and alone and angry with myself for not knowing how to correct and fix this problem with my child. To make it even worse sometimes he is fine. Perfectly normal, pleasant, sweet and charming. His heart is filled with kindness from here to eternity, he is amazingly brave and charismatic. He can steal a scene and make you laugh at the drop of a goofy hello. On a bad day? I don’t recognize him, I feel frustrated, humiliated, scared, helpless and hopeless.
I would like to say that with this additive/toxin free diet life is roses and all is solved, but that is NOT the case. Although it has cleaned him up and I have noticed a dramatic difference in Parkers demeanor I am now facing new issues with my son. I can’t put my finger on what or why, but I am at a stand still. He recently started this self hatred stuff. Even the smallest things will send him into great turmoil and he will say things like “I can NEVER do anything right...I hate myself” or “I am so stupid” and hits himself in the head with a closed fist. With his adhd we never had aggression in our spectrum and now it is starting. I am scared because at age 7 he is getting big. Do I have teen years coming my way with physical aggression like punching holes in walls that I need to be weary of? Should I have him talk to someone? Is this normal? I am a alternative to anger Mom and like to talk to my children and get to the root of the behavior, but even he does not know what the cause is. He tells me he wants to stop he is just so angry. I know he is sensitive child emotionally and he is having a bit of an issue with a child at school. This friend likes to tattle on Parker for not keeping on track, but as the Teacher explains it he almost preys on Parker waiting for parker to do something, so he can tattle. I know this child well and he is NOT a bully and his parents are good people and good parents. Parker is just so sensitive and DOES NOT like getting in trouble. So much so he hides under his desk at school and fears going now. He comes home in tears at least 2 to 3 days a week and has begun the aggressive behavior. I AM TIRED and resort to tears 9 times out of 10. I am just wishing today I could have the “normal” child. Although I am madly in love with him I am just wanting a Mommy free be me day.

What am I sick of today?
Being responsible
Googling behavior problems
Cleaning up pee on the bathroom floor
Fixing the dishes when my husband puts them in the dishwasher the wrong way
Reading Putt Putt Little Red for the trillionth time
and broken cars

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

call me a Hippie, but I ain't puttin that crap in me

This is the Seventh Generation products I use and they can be found at Target. PS that hand soap smells REALLY gross DON'T BUY IT!
This is the yummy goodness we came home with from a Sunday at the Farmer's Market YAY!
Although the grapes and strawberries are not for my Fiengold children
Mommy and Coco
Daddy with the goods
This same man has been at our Farmers Market for EVER. Parker always pulls a dollar from his Incredibles wallet and they chat.
Andy and I are huge Peprochini fans and this booth has non additive ones that are awesome. Plus this is where the kids get the huge Pickles.
Strawberries are here 

The boys LOVE honey and i have learned from the honey lady that if you buy local honey it can be helpful to kids with allergies. Something about the local bees gathering pollen from local plants and so on. I buy it, literally.

Coco's face painting finale
Mom's strawberries

Parker and I love to snack on sweet peas cause he is my original sweet pea awww...
these dudes are nuts HA!
Good thing is he is so shy, right?
So serious
Parker's finale

The flowers here are amazing
The pickle was as big as Cohen's arm, seriously

The farmers market is a great place to find in expensive fresh fruits and veggies. Check it out!