Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear Parents and Friends,

My name is Dana Stockbridge and I am a mother to two boys; Parker age 7 and Cohen age 3. Parker has always struggled with what we call “changing channels”. He was always thought to be just your “average overactive BOY”, as the doctors put it. I noticed at about age 3 he was a bit different than the other children, but only slightly. He has trouble focusing, sitting still and being over stimulated, loud and overly silly. What I guess they now label ADHD. Those letters scared me and secretly still do, but with a change in our lifestyle and diet we have learned to work past his obstacles and treat each issue accordingly. Maybe my story is similar to yours or far different. What I have found is healthy living and in doing that you might feel you sleep, eat, and function better.
In my search as a parent to become more aware of the toxicity level in myself and my children I found some tips helpful and would like to share them with you. First I will start with the places I choose to shop. Many things can now be found in you local grocery store, but Traders is my favorite...

#1 SECRET and this is for parents and children alike
Epsom-salt baths 2 to 3 times weekly
This helps with pulling toxins from your body as well as relaxes your joints and muscles
(can be found at Costco and most drug stores)

Trader Joes has great prices and natural alternatives to feed your family and there are three locations in Long Beach
2222 N Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach - (562) 596-2514
4121 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach - (562) 988-0695
6451 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach - (562) 596-4388

Whole Foods is another option, although it is a bit more expensive, I utilize it for specific food allergies and as more of a vitamin resource.
6550 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach

Vitamin City is my don’t wanna drive all the way to Whole Foods backup
6247 E Spring St Long Beach

The the small bits of research I have done have opened my mind to SO many different ways to lesson the levels of the unnecessary toxins in our environment. Wether it be cleaning products, natural foods, or chemical free plastics. There are so many things legally allowed into our food, water and living agents that ARE harmful to our children and ourselves. Here are some interesting and helpful blogs and also little gems I have found on my toxic free adventure.

This is the diet we used to detox our family and the web site has been a VERY valuable place for gathering information and connecting with other parents.

This is the city of Long Beach Eco Friendly web Page
It gives times and locations for the Farmers Markets and other helpful links (look to the right of the page).

This is a FUN blog. I visit it often for tidbits of information here and there. She has a great reference for BPA free plastic kids cups and the facts about chemical plastics. Fun finds from her just keep clicking.

This web site is a great source for all things recycled. I found things on this web site are a bit on the expensive side, but will LAST. I am purchasing the Laptop Lunch Box System from this site. No more plastic zip-locks and juice boxes.

I am a huge Nana’s Cookies fan. My son is allergic to all things dairy, so it creates a bit of an issue when it comes to baked goods. These cookies are delicious and natural. They can be found at Whole Foods and Vitamin City (check on Mondays for new shipment) if you don’t want to buy on line.

With living additive free, special holidays or even a trip to the move theater cause an issue when it comes to safe candy. In our home it is unrealistic to think we will be sugar free, so I was told about this awesome online candy store and have been shopping there since Halloween. Yes, I had an additive free Halloween and the kids did not care just as long as there was a special treat at the end. Just cause it doesn’t say M&M’s doesn’t mean it don’t taste like M&M’s. Enjoy! Plus Traders sells additive free suckers and gummy bears YAY! or

I use Seventh Generation cleaning products and they can be found at Target. Contrary to popular belief they are pretty close in price to regular chemically based cleaning products. I also find suitable soaps at Traders, Shikai shower gel (found at Traders) has worked for my kids with no reaction.
If you have the money to spend up front you can save money over time with a condensed natural product; there is one called Melaleuca. My sister is a proud user of these products and she is also living chemical free to help her son who has Autism.

Good luck! Have fun and don’t be scared to take the first step in making your home and family as healthy as they can be (baby steps). Please don’t hesitate to use me for support. I don’t know it all, but I am more than happy to help you find the answers.

Peanut Butter Carob Balls
1/2 cup Carob Powder
1/2 cup Honey
1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
1/2 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup Sesame Seeds
1/2 cup Oats
1/2 cup Flax Seed Meal

Mix ingredients by hand. Form them into bite size balls and roll them in shredded coconut.

*Please note that some of the views and statements provided on some of the web sites are not supported by myself. Take what you need and leave the rest.

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