Friday, October 9, 2009

WOW, time has taken our family on a long ride up to Northern CA ... FINALLY! We moved here about three months ago for a job promotion and hey not to shabby, due to these times of hardship for so many. Go Daddy!
We are settling in and trying to be as organic and healthy as we can. I love this toxic free, organic awakening. It makes me feel so empowered and that I keep leaning something new each day flips my lid. Some would say it is depressing because I am leaning all about the horrible and growdy junk in our food and our environment, but it makes me feel powerful that I can avoid them and provide a cleaner life for my family.
Here is the news on Parker
We have done some great testing and found he has a S%#& load of allergies and there are great alternatives for helping him focus on the natural tip. Here is his deal

Parker’s ALLERGY and VITAMIN regimen

Please refer to his allergy list if there is any question on ingredients in foods

Parker’s Food Allergies

Additive, preservative and chemically free

Apple (only once a week)


Bay Leaf






Egg Yolk (once a week)








Black Pepper

Sweet Potato (once a week)







Yeast (brewers & bakers)


Parker takes

Cod liver Oil Capsules, Probiotics and Multivitamins everyday in the AM & PM

(the B12 shots and the probiotics need to be refrigerated)


3 Cod Liver Capsules

3 Probiotics

3 Multivitamin


3 Cod Liver

3 Multivitamin

He also takes a vitamin B12 shot in his buttocks every other day alternating sides

(take the B12 out of the refrigerator and let come to room temp, about 15 min)

Make sure that you use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to clean the skin before you give the shot. Gently nip up the skin and put in the needle into the skin at a 45° angle, so as if the B12 it is just under the skin surface almost as if to leave a small bubble. DONE... don’t be alarmed if it left a small red spot it is only the color of the B12 itself.

He has an awesome DAN (doctors against Autism) doctor that we phone consult with, because he is in SO CAL.

We recently went roeg on the diet, which totally jacked Parker up. It was all me, I just went in to melt down BIG TIME. I was so tired of the research and food prep I basically gave up and in to the voice that said it was too much. Not wanting to get out of bed and pretending I/we were the "normal" family. The truth is we all should be making some kind of change. Eating the way we do IS NOT HEALTHY FOR ANYONE!!!!! Not to mention if you can not process toxins and junk.
I feel awful, but I needed a kick in the keester to get fully motivated again and I got that when Parker broke out in a CRAZY rash. Now, just so we are clear, I have seen the rash before and it accompanied swollen joints at age 4 for which they never figured out. They did all kinds of testing and nothing came of it. Well, for all that know me the way you do and are fully aware of my medical degree provided by the school of google, I figured after consulting my nurse (Andy) that Parker does indeed have Psoriasis. AHHHHHHHHH....
Well I am back on the way to crazy town and I am taking my arsenal of all you natural freaks with me for backup.

Watch out crazy town here comes a freaky Mom and an adhd kid with some janky Psoriasis.

Parker told me today that if you kill someone on accident it is not murder, but
Shut the front door HE IS AWESOME!

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