Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

Okay, hmmm ...

So much has happened since my pity party blog.
great strides have taken me back and pushed me forever forward. As you might know by now we have moved and that was a crazy mix up for Parker. I was feverishly working the diet until my recent diet demise about a couple months ago. You can all rest easy I am back on the wagon and going forward faster and harder than before.
I have a phone consult with our DAN doctor tomorrow to map out Parker's process and see where we need to fiddle with things. Basically he will give me another resource that sounds CRAZY and when we try it we will figure out why he is the doctor and why we need to follow him like Gandhi.
I have been doing some spiritual stuff (for those that don't know I am a Christian) and it has made me think a lot harder at the bigger picture God has for me and Parker. In the words of a wonderful man and close family friend Richard Carlson "don't sweat the small stuff". I NO longer allow ADHD or any other label to be the "big" stuff in my life. Parker was meant to be ON this earth, not to be OF this earth. Rather he was sent here with this awesome master plan for all of us. Let go and let you know who and we will be cool. If "this" was meant to be the big stuff then NO WAY! We got bigger and better things to do and we will not let this "small stuff" keep us from it.
Met with Parker's school OT and Psych specialists and he is on the road for a full evaluation. That is awesome news for us because the schools don't really have any $ right now and Parker is still going to get the help he needs.
Pray that all the right people are in the right place when it comes time to map out our plan of attack after all the tests are concluded. I want attainable goals for Parker, so he can continue to grow strong and secure with a kind heart and a confident soul.
Thanks for all of you that have listened to me bitch and allowed Mom tears
I love you all more than you will ever know

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