Friday, January 8, 2010

Let's do this people!

OK ... YUM! It is a mushroom pie all GFCF and was GREAT! the crust was even crispy on the bottom.
It is a recipe I found in Living Without magazine from an interview with Jenny MaCarthy. The magazine is awesome (thanks Steph) and there is so much good info out there.
This is my 5th day being GFCF with Parker and with an exception of creamer in the coffee I have held tight. On my list of things to get is non-dairy creamer. It is pretty intense, but I am finding so many alternatives out there it is really good I am trying out. I am totally curious how my body will feel being clear of it.
Wish me luck!
Enjoy my food pictures
PS the creaminess is tofutti YAY tofutti

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cohen's Cake as promised

Cohen's cake was decorated in the GF sprinkles below.
We used the same to decorate Santa's cookies this year too.
I am on the road to so many good things stay tuned and I will keep them on the blog.

Bought all my own flours to create homemade GFCF stuff and oooh bread. i found some stuff that worked. I will also walk you through the nut milking process that I tried with almonds. My dear friend did cashews and had the same luck. Found some AWESOME pancakes that I will share too.
All in due time

Feeling empowered

Cohen's was decorated with GF sprinkles


Okay, I am serious when I say this cake kicks Gluten's ass!!!

I am doing so many new things getting into this diet, but my #1 priority was an awesome
B-Day cake that did not taste like junk.
This is it .... (I also used it for X-Mas)

I usually do 2 9 inch cake rounds (we had to sample one in the pics above, but the mix is for 2)
I spread the cake pans with ghee and powder them with any GF flour you choose (I used Bobs)

Add these to the mix at the end to moisten and add extra chocolate kick
This is the frosting. This is a small pic, but it is Toffee Vanilla and really good
This is the chocolate cake mix. Namaste it is the same company as the frosting. Don't forget the chocolate chips.
Happy Birthday
PS I will post some pics of Cohens 4th B-Day cake with GF sprinkles too.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Okay I am in love with this cookbook and have already made so many things from it and they are all GREAT!!!! You HAVE TO try the pancakes. I never thought I would ever buy something like Xanthan Gum, but hey never say never.
Andy and I took a day trip into the city to meet with her in regards to Parker and his diet and I am so excited to get on the right dietary path for our big guy. I attached her blog and web site to if you are interested. I am also going to see her speak in the end of Jan in the city.

Oh yeah, she also does some cooking instruction on you tube.