Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My pity party is OVER! I am dedicated to researching my options with my amazing son. So today is a new fresh day. I dropped Cohen off at pre school and found a cozy spot at Barnes and Noble with a Latte in hand to begin my torrid love affair with a brilliant man named Mac and his close friend Web. I am finding a support group, looking into vitamin supplements and even contacting my pediatrician to finally have Parker tested. I already know he is adhd the test will only make it real on paper and allow me to utilize funding needed to help him in the school system and so on. When he was five his pediatrician was reluctant to test so early (they usually test at age six) and suggested we see a behavioral therapist, who told us after spending exactly one hour with my son, that he had as-burgers syndrome and needed medication. We also saw a tutor when he was in Pre-K because he had such a hard time retaining information. She also told me he was adhd and needed “relaxation pills” as she put it. Why is that the first reaction? PILLS, I mean, why does no one say “Wow, Mom how are you. How are you holding up? Lets discuss why you think he is behaving this way. How about allergy testing?” Why does NO ONE look at what is already in the child as opposed to adding MORE stimuli? That is when I jumped ship on western medicine. After the research I found I was FREAKED out to hear words like medication or special education. Now like a person coming to terms with a death in the family I am confessing I need help and I trust myself enough to collect all the information needed to make an educated decision when it comes to Parker’s well being. I don’t side with any one way when it comes to Adhd western or eastern medicine I need to find what works for Parker so he can move through the fog.
He was wonderful this morning. It’s like he knew I needed it. He noticed it too, but blames it on the fact that we are dog sitting (it’s leverage for getting a dog of his own). He dressed himself, brushed his teeth, made his bed and even kissed his brother all in a 20 minute span. Guess what I did ... cried and hugged him ... tight. What a GREAT day!

Things I like about today?

Easy Mornings
School drop off with Lunch Bunch (Coco stays till 1:15)
Quiet time to think and write
Crazy LA gangsters with neck and face tattoos at Walmart changing my battery and calling me Mrs. Stockbridge. What great service and I felt so safe!

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